May 18, 2016

PRESENT: Mayor: Ed Mosser; Council Members: Jim Beach, Kaleb Bjornstad, Jeremy Henke, Pat Stenzel City Maintenance Operator: Bill Guggisberg; City Clerk/Treasurer: Nicole LaFrance


Mayor, Edward Mosser called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

City Clerk called roll.

Council Member Pat Stenzel motioned to approve the April 20, 2016 meeting minutes. Council Member Kaleb Bjornstad advanced; motion carried.

Under Public Comment, Rhonda Raimann was present regarding the Freeborn Cancer Society disbanding. They would like to donate funds for updating one of the parks in the city. They would like to find a matching grant for the donation for possible playground equipment. Council Member Jim Beach will also assist the society in research of such grants.

Under Engineer’s Report, Maintenance Operator Bill Guggisberg discuss the current status of the project. There are two properties that are still being investigated for drainage issues in their basements. Bolton & Menk will supply a camera to see if the tile line is backed up. They could possible dig a hole and coordinate with City of Albert Lea maintenance department, for further inspection. Once the project is complete, the contractors for the project have a one year warranty for any issues or repairs that may arise.

Under Maintenance Report, Bill Guggisberg spoke about necessary tree triming needed for contractors to get through with their trucks. The location needing trimmed is running from Fourth Street to Second Street and Park Street. He will call either McClune Tree Service or Peterson Tree Service for this to be completed as soon as possible. He spoke about meter reading happening in June for the new monthly cycle. Discussion was also had on blacktopping streets, and rating the streets for priority (worst to best) needing repair, and utilizing the unit price from Ulland Brothers. Andy Flatness from City of Hartland will come help Guggisberg will banners next Monday or Tuesday. The contractors have also been pressure testing the line between Hartland and Freeborn. They did have a slight glitch, and now are moving forward. Guggisberg spoke about unmowed properties, and he did mow two properties needing attention. Lastly there are a two properties that still need new meters installed, but since they are still on temporary water, he will wait until that part of town is back on normal water again.

Under unfinished business the city officials discussed the quote from Ulland Brothers. City Clerk provided a CIP plan for 2016 and 2017 for streets needing repaired. City Clerk LaFrance discussed continuing to set aside money every year for upkeep after streets are repaired. The question for having a second street project in 2017 was addressed for four or so additional streets, and would it be possible to move that to 2016 regarding bidding processes. City Clerk will discuss this will auditor tomorrow for stipulations held by the state.

Under unfinished business, city officials discussed City Ordinance #52-C Revision. Changes were made to correspond to monthly utility billing and long term vacancies. City Clerk will make changes made by city council and will be tabled until next meeting for review.

Under unfinished business garbage fees were reviewed. There are no changes to the ordinance at this time.

Under unfinished business, City Attorney drafted a letter regarding the dock that remains at city parcel R25.040.0040. Council Member Jim Beach motioned to approve and send letter to previous owner of the property. Council Member Pat Stenzel advanced; motion carried.

Under unfinished business, City Clerk discussed the yard mowing violation letters sent out. Property owner at R25.018.0520 contacted city clerk and council member Jim Beach to discuss the plans he has taken currently, and also going forward to keep the property in compliance.

Under New Business , City Clerk would like to hire a temporary office help while on maternity leave estimated August 8, 2016. LaFrance would like to meet prior to maternity leave, to discuss and go over office duties needed while away. Council Member Pat Stenzel motioned to approve Jan Beach for temporary office hire. Council Member Pat Stenzel advanced; motion carried.

Under accounts payable and reconciliation reports, Council Member Jeremy Henke motioned to approve accounts payable  and reconciliation reports. Council Member Pat Stenzel advanced; motion carried. This includes payment requests for BCM Construction: PPE #6 $182,959.55; Bolton & Menk: Invoice # 189976 $12,286.42, Invoice #189978 $3,511.29. Total Payment Request: $198,757.26 Payment on these invoices included are from PFA ($115,158.05), MWRA Loan ($57,386.17) and UDSA RD Grant ($26,213.04).


Council Member Jeremy Henke motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Pat Stenzel advanced, motion carried.

Nicole LaFrance

-City Clerk-Treasurer