March 21, 2018

PRESENT: Mayor: Ed Mosser; Council Members: Jim Beach, Kaleb Bjornstad, Jeremy Henke, Pat Stenzel; City Clerk/Treasurer: Nicole LaFrance; Maintenance Operator Bill Guggisberg; Public:


Mayor, Edward Mosser called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

City Clerk called roll.

Council Member Beach motioned to approve January 17, 2018 meeting minutes. Council Member Stenzel advanced; motion carried.

There  was no public comment to be heard.

Under Maintenance Report the Bill Guggisberg discussed tractor cutter, cleaning catch basins, scrap metal. A generator was discussed, and Mayor Mosser will call on prices for generator. Regarding annual clean up day, garbage fund was discussed.

Under unfinished business delinquent water/sewer accounts were discussed.

Under new business nuisance ordinance was discussed for unlicensed vehicles. Grass and weed ordinance was discussed. Jeremy and Bill will call around for equipment prices to remove trees and weeds for properties overgrown. This is to gear violation fines/fees against properties in violation of grass/tree/weed ordinance.

Under new business clean up day was discussed, city clerk Nicole LaFrance will call to set up a date for residents. City clerk Nicole LaFrance will also send a letter to the old school owners on boarding up windows and securing the building.

Under new business city clerk Nicole LaFrance discussed the new voting machines for the next election.

Under accounts payable and reconciliation reports, Council Henke motioned to approve accounts payable  and reconciliation reports. Council Member Stenzel advanced; motion carried.

There was no miscellaneous items to report.

Council Member Bjornstad motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Council Member Stenzel advanced, motion carried.

Nicole LaFrance

-City Clerk-Treasurer