City of Freeborn          

City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

June 20th, 2018


Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ed at 6:30 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance was said


Roll Call: Present:  Mayor: Ed Mosser; Council Members: Jim Beach, Pat Stenzel; City Clerk: Nicole LaFrance; City Maintenance Operator: Bill Guggisberg; City Auditor: Andrew Bernau Absent: Kaleb Bjornstad, Jeremy Henke


Motion made by Stenzel to approve the May 16, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes —2nd by Beach—carried.


Public Comments:  There was no public comment


Andrew Bernau 2017 Audit: Present was Andrew Bernau from Hill, Benda, Skov & Bernau, P.A. to discuss the 2017 audit and financial information.


Maintenance Report: Guggisberg gave his maintenance report. Grass clippings from mowing should not  be blown into city curbed streets. Old playground equipment was discussed and a local family is interested in removing equipment and keeping. Some small cities are interested in sharing a law enforcement officer and interested in Freeborn’s response. Guggisberg is collecting quotes for repaving basketball court.


Unfinished Business: Delinquent water bills were discussed. Nuisance ordinance was discussed and a letter will be sent to property owner for parcel 25.018.0520. Unlicensed vehicles were discussed and letters will be sent. City clerk will be contacting League of MN Cities on dangerous property conditions for the old school.


New Business: no new business to report


Accounts Payable/Reconciliation Reports: see motion below


Motion made by Stenzel to accept and approve the Accounts Payable and Reconciliation Reports –2nd by Beach—carried. This also includes payment for audit services for $7,750.00


Miscellaneous: Council Member Beach discussed the donations made on behalf of the American Legion for parks department and park equipment.


Adjourn: Motion made by Beach to adjourn —2nd by Stenzel—carried


Submitted by: Nicole LaFrance, City Clerk