City of Freeborn    

City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2019


Meeting was called to order by Council Member Beach at 6:30 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance was said


Roll Call: Present:  Council Members: Jim Beach, Dale Hedensten, Pat Stenzel, Arik Mattson; City Clerk: Nicole LaFrance; Maintenance Operator: Bill Guggisberg Absent: Mayor: Ed Mosser


Oath of Office was said by Matson and Hedensten


Motion was made by Stenzel to approve the December 11, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes —2nd by Matson—carried.


There was no public comment.


Maintenance Report:  Guggisberg spoke about insurance meeting and air hose at city hall. The lift station had a new control switch replaced. He placed an order for new meters that were reversed.


Unfinished Business: Delinquent water/sewer accounts were tabled. TB3’s EDA loan request was discussed. They will present an invoice to Farmers State Bank. Jim Beach and Craig Christenson have been added to the Economic Development Board. Air Compressor was discussed under Maintenance Report.


Motion was made by Stenzel to approve the city budget for 2019 – 2nd by Matson – carried.


Motion made by Stenzel to approve Resolution 2019-1 Organization of Government – 2nd by Hedensten -carried.


Motion made by Matson to approve Resolution 2019-2 Donations for Playground Equipment- 2nd by Stenzel – carried.


New Business: Values of city vehicles were discussed for property/liability insurance renewals.


Motion made by Stenzel to accept and approve the Accounts Payable and Reconciliation Reports –2nd by Hedensten—carried. This includes Public Facility Authority bond payment, LMC Work Comp Renewal Payment and Street Sweeper second half, final payment..


Miscellaneous Items: For properties with more than one trash can was discussed. These properties should be paying for each can allocated to the property.


Motion was made by Stenzel to approve Arik Matson as a signer for city checks and payroll – 2nd by  Hedensten – carried.


Motion made by Hedensten to adjourn —2nd by Stenzel—carried.


-Nicole LaFrance

City Clerk-Treasurer