City of Freeborn

City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2018


Present:  Mayor: Ed Mosser; Council Members: Jim Beach, Pat Stenzel; Substitute City Clerk: Jan Beach;  City Maintenance Operator: Bill Guggisberg

Absent: Council Members: Kaleb Bjornstad and  Jeremy Henke

Others present: Roger Holland


Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ed at 6:30 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance was said


Motion made by Pat—2nd by Jim to approve the December 19, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes—carried.


Public Comments: Roger Holland presented a 1982 picture of the Freeborn Lake to be given to the Historical Society.


Maintenance Report:  A new meter will be put in at 201 3rd Ave. Water customer requested the water be shut off at 310 8th Ave. and that has been done.  The hydrant issue at 2nd and Park was taken care of by Brandon without having to drill. The light by the Legion is now working again. At the end of the report Bill left the meeting.


Unfinished Business:

The delinquent water bills are up to date at this time. New notices will be sent out on the 27th for anyone that has a water bill 30 days past due.

It is not known if the letter was sent to the school owner.


New Business:



Accounts Payable/Reconciliation Reports:

Motion made by Jim–2nd by Pat to accept and approve the Accounts Payable and Reconciliation Reports—carried.






Motion made by Jim—2nd by Pat to adjourn—carried


Submitted by:

Jan Beach, Substitute City Clerk