City of Freeborn

City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2018


Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ed at 6:35 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance was said


Roll Call: Present:  Mayor: Ed Mosser; Council Members: Jim Beach, Pat Stenzel, Kaleb Bjornstad and Jeremy Henke; Substitute City Clerk: Jan Beach; City Maintenance Operator: Bill Guggisberg; Absent: City Clerk Nicole LaFrance; Others Present: none


Motion made by Kaleb to approve the March 21, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes —2nd by Pat—carried.


Public Comments:  None


Maintenance Report: Cemetery Clean-up Date is April 28th. Bill received a report of basement water bubble up at 4th and Center.  A Freeborn banner needs repair and Jim will take it to Ernie’s Canvas to have it fixed. Bill was requested to pick up dirt for the flower pots around town. There is $94.00 from the City Hall coffee shop, and Jan Beach will call about Thrivent money for the flowers.


Unfinished Business: Delinquent water bills: Are down this month was reported by Jan—correction to this report is that there are 3 more that she missed for the meeting. Nuisance Ordnance:  Need to find out what and who can do it. Letter to School update: Nicole will be asked to respond to the owner.  City Clean-up Date is the 18th of May. Nicole will be asked to include a notice in the April water bills with the date and prices. Resolution 2018-1 #52D –see motion below.


Motion made by Jim to pass the Resolution 2018-1 Ordinance #52D –2nd by Jeremy—carried.


New Business: Water billing dates:  see motion below.


Motion made by Jim—2nd by Pat to always have the water bills due on the 20th of the month and have Nicole write up a resolution stating that change—carried


Accounts Payable/Reconciliation Reports: see motion below


Motion made by Kaleb to accept and approve the Accounts Payable and Reconciliation Reports –2nd by Jim—carried.


Miscellaneous:  Generator: Ed will call about the generator.  House numbers: Nicole will be asked to send a notice with the water bills that all houses must have a clear house number. The accumulation of cars was discussed and time will be given at this time because of the snow.   It will be addressed later if it is not cleaned up.


Motion: made by Kaleb to go in to a closed meeting —2nd by Jim —carried.

Jan Beach left the meeting



Motion made by Jim to adjourn —2nd by Pat—carried


Submitted by: Jan Beach, Substitute City Clerk